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  作為文學、戲劇之後興起的第八藝術,電影結合了攝影、音樂、剪接、數位科技等,有著無限的創作可能。台灣的電影經過 1980 年代與 1990 年代在國際影壇大放異彩的新浪潮電影與新新浪潮電影,邁向 21 世紀,名導與新銳仍在電影這個迷人的藝術領域,不斷創作出許多精彩的影片。



  《台灣電影 Showcase 》推出《女性電影》及《公路電影》兩個甚受歡迎的電影類型。今年所安排的影片中,《 20 . 30 . 40 》、《今天不回家》、《秋天的藍調》與《小百無禁忌》,都是由台灣的女性導演所拍攝的優秀作品。刻劃女性的無助、自覺與成長,對婚姻、親情及愛情的看法,是兼具人文關懷與藝術質感女性電影 。



  《公路電影》的特色在以公路作場景,以車輛作工具,而在公路上發生的劇情,就隱喻人在生命旅途中的追尋,逃離,成長與省悟。《台灣電影 Showcase 》的公路電影單元,包括《單車上路》、《練習曲》、《最遙遠的距離》及《人之島》等台灣數位新銳導演近幾年清新可喜的作品,其中除了找尋自我與追逐夢想 的公路電影主題,影片中也攝錄了台灣巧奪天工的蘇花公路,美不勝收的環島公路,台東的陸海美景、及明媚純樸的蘭嶼。融合了人文哲思及台灣美麗景緻的紀錄,這是屬於台灣的公路電影風貌。



   Taiwan's film industry blossomed in radiant splendor in the international film arena in 1980s and 1990s with its new-wave and new new-wave cinema. After marching into the 21st century, Taiwan's famous directors and a new generation of directors still keep devoting themselves into this enchanting field of art, producing several excellent films.



   Taiwan Film Showcase presents two popular film genres: women films and road movies. The women films to be shown are 20‧30‧40, Tonight Nobody Goes Home, Autumn of Blue, and Hidden Whisper. Directed by Taiwan's female directors, these films depict women's helplessness, self-awareness, and growth, as well as how they view marriage, family relations, and love between man and woman. They are women films of human concerns and artistic quality.



   Road movies, featuring scenarios that take place on the road with scenes set mostly in roads and cars used as main transportation tools, tell of one's pursuit of dreams, escape from reality, mental growth, and waking up to reality during his life's journey. The road movies to be shown here are The Road in the Air, Island Etude, Most Distant Course, and Pongso No Tao--fresh, heart-warming works by Taiwan's new prominent directors in recent years. In addition to the typical road movie themes of self-quest and self-fulfillment, these films also took shots of Taiwan's gorgeous Su Hua Highway and round-the-island highway, the beautiful landscape and coastlines of eastern Taiwan, and the simple but enchanting Orchid Island off the Pacific coast of Taiwan. The merging of humanism and philosophy into Taiwan's beautiful scenery is exactly the style and feature of Taiwan's road movies.




Island Etude 
Tonight Nobody Goes Home
The Road in the Air
Pongso no Tao
Hidden Whisper
The Most Distant Course
20 30 40 秋天的藍調
Autumn of Blue